Traumatic dental injuries in young children


  • Karine Takahashi
  • Isabela Copetti Faria
  • Natália Oliveira Neves
  • Sthepane Barbosa Montano
  • Heitor Ceolin Araujo



Introduction: Dental trauma is a frequent occurance in Dentistry. They often occur in early childhood, between 0 to 3 years old, when children begin to learn their first steps, to play and run, because their habilities are not refined. Objective: The purpose of this article is to verify the occurance of traumatic dental injury in primary teeth in a children population. Material and Method: seventy-eight child from 0 to 6 years old male and female were evaluated. The study was conducted in Regional Hospital of Presidente Prudente. Children were evaluated by a questionary about occurance of traumatic injury, cause and search for attendance. The data were collected and submited to Spearman correlation test. Results: Traumatic dental injury occurs in deciduous teeth in (44,8%) of the population, more common in males (68,5%), at two years old (28,5%) and in front superior region (91,5%) in the upper central incisors (48,5%). Conclusion: By the use of correlation test of Spearman, it was possible to verify that there is a positive correlation between the factors: darkness and mobility, darkness and search for treatment, early loss and satisfactory treatment and search for treatment and satisfactory treatment.

Descriptors: Tooth Injuries; Dentition; Dental Care.


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How to Cite

Takahashi, K., Faria, I. C., Neves, N. O., Montano, S. B., & Araujo, H. C. (2019). Traumatic dental injuries in young children. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 8(3).



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