Compound Resin Modelators: Use and Clinical Repercussions


  • Jefferson Lucas Mendes Graduando em Odontologia pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), Campus VIII, 58233-000 Araruna-PB, Brasil
  • Paulina Renata da Silva Paiva Graduando em Odontologia pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), Campus VIII, 58233-000 Araruna-PB, Brasil
  • Rodrigo Gadelha Vasconcelos Professor Doutor do Curso de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), Campus VIII, 58233-000 Araruna-PB, Brasil
  • Marcelo Gadelha Vasconcelos Professor Doutor do Curso de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), Campus VIII, 58233-000 Araruna-PB, Brasil



Dentin Adhesive System, Dentistry, Operative, Dental Materials


Introduction: Composite resin modelers (CRM), commonly used, dentin adhesives or low-viscosity resins, act by facilitating the insertion and sculpture of the restorative material, which may benefit the flow, contain the incorporation of bubbles and reduce restoration failure. This technique is especially useful for large restorations. Objective: to analyze, through a literature review, the concept of composite resin modelers, the most used and effective materials, in addition to the optical and physical consequences of this technique. Methodology: A literature review was carried out through searches in the PubMED, BVS and Scielo databases, and studies related to the topic were selected, from January 2016 to June 2021. To choose the articles, the following articles were used Keywords: Composite resins, Dentin-bonding agents, Color stability and Dental Materials. Results: Most studies tested the Single Bond 2® (SB) and Adper Scotchbond® (SBMP) adhesive systems, in which both types were found to be effective in obtaining color stability, and in the case of SBMP, lower solubility and degradation of composite resin (RC). Furthermore, specimens prepared with modelers showed less incorporation of pigments and less increase in the degree of opacity. Conclusion: Composite resin modelers facilitate the insertion and sculpture of the restorative material, in addition to allowing greater cohesion of the composite increments, reducing its degradation. Also, they can provide greater color stability and less susceptibility to staining.


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How to Cite

Mendes, J. L., Paiva, P. R. da S., Vasconcelos, R. G., & Vasconcelos, M. G. (2021). Compound Resin Modelators: Use and Clinical Repercussions. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 11(3), 506–512.



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