Knowledge of Brazilian Dentists in the Detection of Child Abuse


  • Jéssica Gomes Alcoforado de Melo Doutoranda em Odontologia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife-PE, Brasil
  • Laryssa Nayam Carvalho de Araújo Cirurgiã-dentista graduada pela Faculdade de Integração do Sertão (FIS), Serra Talhada – PE, Brasil
  • Alícia Maria Lima Soares Cirurgiã-dentista graduada pela Faculdade de Integração do Sertão (FIS), Serra Talhada – PE, Brasil
  • Diego Moura Soares Doutor em Odontologia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife-PE, Brasil/Professor Adjunto da Faculdade de Odontologia do Recife (FOR) e Tutor e Coordenador dos laboratórios de Odontologia da Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde (FPS)



Child Abuse, Forensic Dentistry, Knowledge


Objectives: The objective of the present study was evaluate the knowledge of dentist surgeons to detect child abuse as well signs and symptoms, and the correct identification of the agency to forward the notifications of cases. Methods: Forms was sent by e-mail and social media (Whatsapp, Instagram, etc.) with objective questions to dentist surgeon from Northeast in Brazil, where it got 99 forms corrected answered. Data were analyzed using Fisher's Exact and Chi-square tests to identify associations between the variables studied. Results: The results identified that 55.6% of the professionals considering themselves able to diagnose possible child abuse cases. Tied to this fact, the results shows that 55.6% of dentist surgeons receive orientation about the topic “Child abuse” along the graduation, where they identified mostly the courses Pedriatric dentistry, Legal dentistry and Public health as the main spreader of this topic. Moreover, the Guardianship Council was identified by 82.8% of professionals as the appropriated place to make notification of child abuse cases. Among the professional 65.7% of dentist surgeons recognize signs and symptoms of possible child abuse in children and teenagers. Conclusion: In conclusion, the majority of dentist surgeons have adequate knowledge about child abuse as well the law and agency that rule notifications of these cases, but they do not have knowledge about notification form necessary for the complaints.


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How to Cite

Melo, J. G. A. de ., Araújo, L. N. C. de, Soares, A. M. L. ., & Soares, D. M. (2023). Knowledge of Brazilian Dentists in the Detection of Child Abuse. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 12(2), 188–195.



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