Knowledge and Self-Perception on the Use of Activated Charcoal for Whitening Purposes in Dentistry


  • Luiza Liunara Duarte Souza Acadêmica do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário Doutor Leāo Sampaio, UNILEÃO, 63040-405 Juazeiro do Norte - CE, Brasil
  • Ygor Leandro Landim Rodrigues Acadêmico do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário Doutor Leāo Sampaio, UNILEÃO, 63040-405 Juazeiro do Norte - CE, Brasil
  • Marcilia Ribeiro Paulino Profª. Doutora em Dentistica, Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio, UNILEÃO, 63040-405 Juazeiro do Norte - CE, Brasil
  • Diala Aretha de Sousa Feitosa Profª. Doutora em Dentistica, Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio, UNILEÃO, 63040-405 Juazeiro do Norte - CE, Brasil



Dentifrices, Charcoal, Tooth Bleaching


Toothpaste that presents a bleaching proposal is currently in evidence in the market, among them, we can highlight those that contain activated carbon in their composition. Although this product is used in several areas, it has become common in the dental area due to the marketing of tooth whitening, which has caused it to be used improperly without the follow-up of a dentist. Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the knowledge about the use of activated carbon in toothpaste with the whitening proposal, intending to evaluate its efficacy among patients and dental students. The present study is an observational, cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study with 50 dental students and 50 patients seen at the Clínica Escola, both at the Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio, in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará. In which a questionnaire was applied, addressing questions about the use of toothpaste with the whitening proposal and those that contain activated carbon in its composition, the knowledge about this agent, the self-perception about the whitening effect, and any damage that the toothpaste may have caused as hypersensitivity. Toothpaste with a whitening purpose was used by most of the interviewees from both groups, those with activated carbon were little used, the highest prevalence was in the group of patients who reported the influence of the media for its use, the academics do not believe in its whitening potential, those who have used this agent reported no improvement in tooth staining and hypersensitivity after use was observed. The consequences arising from the use of toothpaste that contains activated carbon in its composition without professional guidance bring the prevalence of disadvantages in relation to dental health, such as excessive abrasive wear in the removal of extrinsic stains, which can cause sensibility and the low degree of whitening when compared to other bleaching agents.


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How to Cite

Souza, L. L. D., Rodrigues, Y. L. L. ., Paulino, M. R., & Feitosa, D. A. de S. (2021). Knowledge and Self-Perception on the Use of Activated Charcoal for Whitening Purposes in Dentistry. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 11(3), 438–444.



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